our third day.
And what an amazing day it was! Today started out really great...we got a nice little break and were able to sleep in until about 8am - Normally at home I sleep in until around 11AM since we have nursing and i'm not "on duty" for AM wake up (Matt and I switch off getting up with Si...teamwork is keyyyy!) So for me it was bliss to be able to sleep in at least until 8! We got up and had a nice breakfast, made sure to start Silas' tube feed up early with just water so we could pack in some extra fluids. We started our day with tactile integration with Amy. During our session I did some hands on work, thats part of the whole educational piece of these conferences, to be hands on with the therapist on your child so that you feel confident carrying through at home. We did the sciatic nerve exercise with Silas which is one of his number 2 priorities on his home program. It was a little confusing at first, and still is, but with practice it will come. I also got to have it done on me! It helps to have having them done on you so you know that amount of pressure to give, how it feels to have done, you can also feel the motion and how fluid everything is done on you. I always like to have things done on me, its a nice little treat from treating Si all the time! Mamas and Dadas need this too!! Like I said MNRI is awesome, everyone needs it! Speaking of...I plan someday to get some PTSD done on me to help with healing from Silas' birth, it was definitely traumatic not only for him but for me as well...thats a whole other story though! Anyway...tactile went amazing and we got a lot of really great work in. Silas was very content the entire session, chatting and playing with his toys.
Next we had Jean for Archetype. Svetlana came to see us during the beginning of his session! At conference you will most likely see Svetlana about two times. First for their assessment, and a second time for a small treatment. Or should I say HUGE treatment...because we is a magical person! The things she is able to accomplish in just 20minutes is absolutely mind blowing. So yes, we had an amazing session as always with her! She worked with Silas, he did not need his ipad, just his start toy, turned off so no sound or lights were distracting him. She did so many amazing things but the one most amazing and huge thing she did for him was on his head. See Silas has an asymmetrical face, last conference they did a lot of work in oral/facial to help align his ears because was one higher and pushed forward a little more. When you change the position of something in the face that is not symmetrical, the positive changes go far beyond what their appearance will look like after, but it makes a huge difference is so many other areas. Silas' head has always been misshapen and also still has soft spots in the front since birth, not major soft spots, but enough to know his head is misshapen. Svetlana worked on his head and said to us "come see" and she has pushed his bone structure of his skull forward to where it needed to be! Filling in those soft spots! His head is now much more symmetrical! It blew. my. minddddd! How did she do that!? She told us his head will continue to change from this shift and we will see many great results. I cannot wait to compare before and after pics, already since being here he looks so grown up to me! Svetlana finished up her session in about 20 minutes and we finished archetype strong with great work done my Silas, Jean, and Jeanie!
Had a nice lunch break as usual...Silas and Dada went up about half way through for their cat nap, feel so so bad waking those two up when you can tell they both want more sleep...like father like son! I like lunch time because its a nice time to connect with the other families here at the conference...and honestly I could chat forever on the topic of Silas!
I woke the boys up and we went down to have our second half of the day...second half meaning FOUR MORE HOURS OF THERAPY...which is why we are so tired after, especially Si! We had re-patterning with Tanya and he did some great stuff. His hands supporting reflex is showing less delay than yesterday which is awesome! Intensive work = quick results! You wouldn't necessarily know just from looking at him, but in three days he has already made huge progress!
Silas had a breathing session in place of oral/facial with our good friend Marie France! I love her work! I told Silas before we went in that he couldn't use any light up toys or music in her session because she needs to keep concentrated to do her work. He must have listened and taken my advice because this was our first full session with NO LIGHT UP TOYS! NO IPAD! And he talked and cooed, and chuckled and did soooo amazing! Breathing is an intense program too! So Matt and I were both soooo proud of him! Here are some pictures below of our session! Great connection between Silas and Dada as usual! Marie france was so happy with Silas' progress, his ribs were still in alignment and symmetry for the most part, and flat like the need to be instead of crunched up into a ball of tinfoil (which is what they were like in January). She was able to get a lot done on his back that she hasn't been able to reach with him on such a deep level before, just shows that the work is sticking with him, so incredible! And gosh these core specialists are SO talented! So needless to say...breathing went AWESOME!
We went to neuro-structural integration next. Silas was in great spirits from just having a very successful breathing session! His therapists in this room are very concentrated and serious...one of them is Svetlana's Nephew and the other is a woman in training. Svetlana's Nephew does incredible work! He is so focused and accurate! I feel lucky to have him treating Silas at this conference. That family is made of healers. This session is tough for him, because it focuses on a lot of things that his brain is fighting. For instance getting his hands up over his head...this is very hard for him...so you can tell its tough for him. He does so great though. But it's definitely one where he needs some distraction to get through it...okay he needs a lot of distraction! He did use his ipad in this session because it seemed very tough for him day three. His body is changing so much, and really trying hard to work through the chaos. They used the "Silas Foot Tendon Guard" and she literally pressed the spot and without having to even touch his foot it came up into a right angle without any delay! Incredible! If you know Silas well, he points his feet like there is no tomorrow! His spasticity just takes over his little body because the brain isn't signaling for it to relax. I would literally have to use muscle to force the foot into that angle...which is not right, and very un-natural! So the fact that Svetlana was able to find this point on Silas is absolutely incredible, how does she know!? And even cooler...Svetlana told two other kids team of therapists that they need the "Silas Point" - he is a legend! Haha, what a rockstar!
Silas' last session of the day was prop/cog and will actually be the last prop/cog session at this conference, because it'll swap out for a very cool modality called Basil Ganglia...which i'll explain more about in our Day 4 post. He was most definitely tired by this point in the day, especially after such intensive work, his small session with Svetlana, his breathing and everything else...he still did awesome regardless, but you could just tell he was tired. He did some rolling, crawling, and hands supporting during his prop/cog session. He is so close to both crawling and rolling, but there are some very important things that need work before those will happen. He did roll about ten different times from back to belly before coming here, but this is helping to integrate the correct sequencing needed to do those things. I cannot wait until the day he crawls, rolls, sits, etc...it will be so rewarding and incredible. It's amazing what we take for granted and then to see someone work so hard just to lift their arm above their head...these kids are fighters and true heros.
Silas had a little bit of a rough night getting to sleep, I think a mix of being over tired, third day of camp, i think this may have happened in January at our Orlando Camp also...it is just so much information to process. Jean our home therapist came up and was able to muscle check him, he definitely needs even for water in his system. I love having our home therapist here with us, just feels safe. Now is is off to dream land ready to conquer Day 4 tomorrow! Thank you all for reading...please share our blog, especially if you know someone this could help! They are doing incredible work for PTSD right now with the troops and have also worked with the Newtown folks. I would highly encourage even just reading Dr. Masgutova's story about how she brought MNRI to the USA and even cooler how she same up with the method, it is incredible.
Next we had Jean for Archetype. Svetlana came to see us during the beginning of his session! At conference you will most likely see Svetlana about two times. First for their assessment, and a second time for a small treatment. Or should I say HUGE treatment...because we is a magical person! The things she is able to accomplish in just 20minutes is absolutely mind blowing. So yes, we had an amazing session as always with her! She worked with Silas, he did not need his ipad, just his start toy, turned off so no sound or lights were distracting him. She did so many amazing things but the one most amazing and huge thing she did for him was on his head. See Silas has an asymmetrical face, last conference they did a lot of work in oral/facial to help align his ears because was one higher and pushed forward a little more. When you change the position of something in the face that is not symmetrical, the positive changes go far beyond what their appearance will look like after, but it makes a huge difference is so many other areas. Silas' head has always been misshapen and also still has soft spots in the front since birth, not major soft spots, but enough to know his head is misshapen. Svetlana worked on his head and said to us "come see" and she has pushed his bone structure of his skull forward to where it needed to be! Filling in those soft spots! His head is now much more symmetrical! It blew. my. minddddd! How did she do that!? She told us his head will continue to change from this shift and we will see many great results. I cannot wait to compare before and after pics, already since being here he looks so grown up to me! Svetlana finished up her session in about 20 minutes and we finished archetype strong with great work done my Silas, Jean, and Jeanie!
Had a nice lunch break as usual...Silas and Dada went up about half way through for their cat nap, feel so so bad waking those two up when you can tell they both want more sleep...like father like son! I like lunch time because its a nice time to connect with the other families here at the conference...and honestly I could chat forever on the topic of Silas!
I woke the boys up and we went down to have our second half of the day...second half meaning FOUR MORE HOURS OF THERAPY...which is why we are so tired after, especially Si! We had re-patterning with Tanya and he did some great stuff. His hands supporting reflex is showing less delay than yesterday which is awesome! Intensive work = quick results! You wouldn't necessarily know just from looking at him, but in three days he has already made huge progress!
Silas had a breathing session in place of oral/facial with our good friend Marie France! I love her work! I told Silas before we went in that he couldn't use any light up toys or music in her session because she needs to keep concentrated to do her work. He must have listened and taken my advice because this was our first full session with NO LIGHT UP TOYS! NO IPAD! And he talked and cooed, and chuckled and did soooo amazing! Breathing is an intense program too! So Matt and I were both soooo proud of him! Here are some pictures below of our session! Great connection between Silas and Dada as usual! Marie france was so happy with Silas' progress, his ribs were still in alignment and symmetry for the most part, and flat like the need to be instead of crunched up into a ball of tinfoil (which is what they were like in January). She was able to get a lot done on his back that she hasn't been able to reach with him on such a deep level before, just shows that the work is sticking with him, so incredible! And gosh these core specialists are SO talented! So needless to say...breathing went AWESOME!
We went to neuro-structural integration next. Silas was in great spirits from just having a very successful breathing session! His therapists in this room are very concentrated and serious...one of them is Svetlana's Nephew and the other is a woman in training. Svetlana's Nephew does incredible work! He is so focused and accurate! I feel lucky to have him treating Silas at this conference. That family is made of healers. This session is tough for him, because it focuses on a lot of things that his brain is fighting. For instance getting his hands up over his head...this is very hard for him...so you can tell its tough for him. He does so great though. But it's definitely one where he needs some distraction to get through it...okay he needs a lot of distraction! He did use his ipad in this session because it seemed very tough for him day three. His body is changing so much, and really trying hard to work through the chaos. They used the "Silas Foot Tendon Guard" and she literally pressed the spot and without having to even touch his foot it came up into a right angle without any delay! Incredible! If you know Silas well, he points his feet like there is no tomorrow! His spasticity just takes over his little body because the brain isn't signaling for it to relax. I would literally have to use muscle to force the foot into that angle...which is not right, and very un-natural! So the fact that Svetlana was able to find this point on Silas is absolutely incredible, how does she know!? And even cooler...Svetlana told two other kids team of therapists that they need the "Silas Point" - he is a legend! Haha, what a rockstar!
Silas' last session of the day was prop/cog and will actually be the last prop/cog session at this conference, because it'll swap out for a very cool modality called Basil Ganglia...which i'll explain more about in our Day 4 post. He was most definitely tired by this point in the day, especially after such intensive work, his small session with Svetlana, his breathing and everything else...he still did awesome regardless, but you could just tell he was tired. He did some rolling, crawling, and hands supporting during his prop/cog session. He is so close to both crawling and rolling, but there are some very important things that need work before those will happen. He did roll about ten different times from back to belly before coming here, but this is helping to integrate the correct sequencing needed to do those things. I cannot wait until the day he crawls, rolls, sits, etc...it will be so rewarding and incredible. It's amazing what we take for granted and then to see someone work so hard just to lift their arm above their head...these kids are fighters and true heros.
Silas had a little bit of a rough night getting to sleep, I think a mix of being over tired, third day of camp, i think this may have happened in January at our Orlando Camp also...it is just so much information to process. Jean our home therapist came up and was able to muscle check him, he definitely needs even for water in his system. I love having our home therapist here with us, just feels safe. Now is is off to dream land ready to conquer Day 4 tomorrow! Thank you all for reading...please share our blog, especially if you know someone this could help! They are doing incredible work for PTSD right now with the troops and have also worked with the Newtown folks. I would highly encourage even just reading Dr. Masgutova's story about how she brought MNRI to the USA and even cooler how she same up with the method, it is incredible.