Day two of MNRI camp got off to an inspiring start when Sarah read to me Silas' horoscope of the day. Normally I am very skeptical of horoscopes and such theories but this was something you could not deny the significance of. His horoscope read this:
Something wonderful is happening in your life now, Gemini. But you are impatient, and because you are impatient you are jumping to conclusions. But progress is happening off the radar. You may not be able to see it yet, so you have to have faith that something good is meant to be. If you look at a rose bush in late spring, you may not see the bud, but it is there waiting to burst open. If you followed it through slow-motion photography you would see it. Think of your goal in this way, and know that it is about to bloom.
This is so true! We have to be patient, there are amazing and wonderful things happening in Silas' body and brain right now and we have to wait and see when they will choose to bloom! This is all part of the MNRI journey. Sometimes you will see continued results weeks later from the therapy that was performed, we have to be patient and give the body time to interpret the new information. Some results are almost instant though, which is also wonderful to see! For instance, Silas has already shown changes in less then 24 hours! He is already more vocal, more aware, he is flexible and has a larger range of motion. When you pick him up he is less spastic and feels more dense. He is not as hyper extended as he was the first day. His hands are less fisted, and his moro reflex is becoming more integrated. He is taking this therapy like a champ! And his brain and body are soaking up all the amazing information! I cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings! Silas wants to crawl so badly. He has started to make the movements, they are just very premature and very choppy. His right side is much weaker than his left, being that it is very spastic and tight, so it is less integrated. To help strengthen the right side they will actually be focusing on using his left side which is the stronger side and continuing to strengthen it so it can then begin to teach the right side. This confused me at first. My logic was that we would need to focus more on the right side since it was so weak and behind, but it makes perfect sense that you would use the strengths you already have in your favor and improve from there. Silas did very well in his archetype session allowing three sets of hands on him at a time to really lengthen his body and stretch it out. His hands were also together at midline during this session which is very rare for him! Usually his ATNR will kick right in and he will be all over the place, but you can tell something must have integrated because having his hands at midline is tough for him with his spasticity. If this doesn't make sense to some of you reading, no worries, just know he is doing amazing, I am still learning all the terms and lingo as well, it is very overwhelming and confusing, but what I know for sure is that Silas' body is receiving such amazing work and he is absorbing it like a sponge!!! I heard through the grapevine from Silas' therapists that when Silas was brought up in the core specialists daily meeting that everyone was very impressed with how well he is doing. Dr. Masgutova said in meeting that she was very impressed with the amount Silas' spasticity had decreased since we had last seen her in October. She hadn't seen a response that fast in very many cases and expressed that we must have been doing very great work with him at home to get to this point with him. So encouraging to hear this as I thought I was slacking at home!!! Now I have the drive to do even more when we get back! It is very gratifying to see instant results and is so rewarding as a parent who is trying daily to be the best mother, therapist, nurse and caregiver to such an incredible boy. I cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings for Silas! I do have to say there is the cutest little boy in one of our sessions we do through out the day. He is a little older than Si and presents very similar to him. The difference between the two is that he is verbal. It is very interesting to see him struggle with the gross motor skills like trying to crawl, sit-up, or hold his head up all while saying "I want toy." I picture that Silas must want to say the same exact things but just isn't there yet. It is like looking into the future, that maybe soon with this therapy his speech will come like that little boys has! So very cool to see. The pictures I posted below are pictures that Sarah captured the first night we arrived in Orlando. I wanted to capture specific features on his body that are not well integrated yet. You can see his hands are tightly fisted, his feet turned in and his toes cramped from spasticity. His face shows misalignment and appears to be almost puffy. And his head of course small due to his microcephaly from his brain injury. I wanted record of these because I am 99% positive at LEAST one of these features is bound to change during our time here and I want to be able to compare the two to show everyone how amazing this therapy works in these little bodies. Thank you for reading, as day two comes to an end I am just so very thankful we have the opportunity to be here. Here's to a good nights sleep and "silent healing" as his brain interprets all that has been integrated during our first two days here! Goodnight, Mama Brown